RM Characters

     the Characters

Meet the Rhino Mioyo gang.

Vov & Jay

These two best friends are inseparable. If you don't see one; you don't see the other.

Vov is my original adult male rhino, he lives on a wildlife preserve in Kenya. Jay is a North American Blue Jay that had ended up on the reserve as a mis-shipped egg; in the illegal pet trade.

When Jay hatched he heard; "Oh, it's a blue jay." He then looked up and saw Vov. The rest is history...

Vov and Jay


Mooo was the first Genetically Modified Animal to get dumped on our little reserve. Left by the Americans, of course.

Mooo may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but he has so much love and enthusiasm, one can't help but love him.

Vov and Jay


With degrees in astrophysics and quantum mathematics; Petri started the RASA program.

He had built the infrastructure in privacy.

 The world found out about it on December 18th, 2018; when Petri lost his temper and left the Earth, permanently.

Vov and Jay

Sos and Ghu

This mother and child are the rest of the Rhino Mioyo nuclear family.

Sos and Vov have been in love since they first saw each other, on a T-shirt I designed for myself, in 2010.

Ghu is their beautiful baby. I've never been able to get close enough to know Ghu's gender and I've known them long enough that it would be awkward to ask.

Vov and Jay


Say hello to the voice of reason on the reservation. She will pop up when needed and maybe; not so needed.

Houlihan is the oldest character in Rhino Mioyo. I originally drew her for my oldest child's sixth birthday in 2005. She appears here; very similar to the original.

Vov and Jay
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